domingo, 13 de setembro de 2015

Usages of Get Back (Phrasal Verbs)

  • Get back

    Usage 1
  1. Return a phone call
    I need to get back to John before he leaves town
         Usage 2
  1. Return to someone with a feedback or answer.
    I need to get back to John on the new contract.  

    Can you please get back to me once you have all the information?

    Usage 3

    1.  Return something (could be also for money or anything that someone is returning you)
  • Once I am finished, I will get it back to you
  • John got back my money last week. Thank God!

         Usage 4
  1. To receive back something which was misplaced or stolen after a time.
  •  I left my phone on the subway and the Lost and Found section got it back to me.

         Usage 5
  1. Return to a place
    I will need to get back to England.

         Usage 6
  1. Return a normal state or to a state as it was before.
  • It wont take long for us to get things back the way they were.

         Usage 7
To start or resume with something that we stopped doing before.
  • I stopped with my English study and it has been a long while. I have to get back to it as soon as possible as I will sit for an English proficiency exam.

         Usage 8
  1. Move away (mostly due to a certain exposure to danger)
    Get back to your house, this is a shooting out there!

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